Could You or Someone You Know Be First Lady of Arizona?

First Ladies

As a single man who is evidently predisposed to that relationship status (you can laugh, it’s ok), should I become Governor, I will lack for a First Lady in the traditional sense.  The question then arises, should Arizona go without a First Lady for the duration of my tenure in office, or should another first lady be found based on some other criteria?

Having a First Lady other than one’s spouse is not a novel situation.  Several US Presidents, including bachelors, widowers, and even married men have had someone other than a wife fulfill the role, going all the way back to Thomas Jefferson.  In such cases, the role has typically fallen to a close personal friend or relative.

Though I am pleased to say that I count many highly qualified women amongst my friends and relatives, I have decided that when I am elected I will not to select a First Lady from among my own network.

Instead, the position of First Lady will rotate on a monthly basis.  Each month a woman who is active in improving our Arizona community will be chosen to be First Lady of Arizona, thereby bringing attention and resources to bear on her cause.

I anticipate that the First Lady role will be occupied by a wide variety of women working in many different fields including education, homeless services, medicine, sustainability, racial equality, religion, and many others.  I do not intend to only to highlight women whose viewpoints I agree with, but also women who are working on issues that I have not fully contemplated, and perhaps even women who are laboring sincerely for a cause that is not in line with my personal sympathies, but represents the will of a large segment of the population.

In order to show Arizonans the effectiveness of this approach, I will first be modeling it with my campaign.  Beginning this October and until the general election in November 2018, I will choose a First Lady for my campaign every month.  First Ladies will help me develop and refine policy related to their areas of expertise, speak on behalf of the campaign when appropriate, and help coordinate events and activities to bring visibility and resources to their chosen issue.

If you are interested in this opportunity or would like to nominate someone else, please email  

I look forward to working closely with many of Arizona’s finest minds and hardest workers through this program.

Like what you see?  Please:

  1. Volunteer on my campaign.
  2. Donate to my campaign.
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