Entries by Noah

Podcast: A Dem and a Libertarian Talk On Skype – You Won’t Believe What They Say!

In this episode we talk to Mike Shipley: Secretary of the Arizona Libertarian Party (AZLP.org), Chair of Outright Libertarians (OutrightUSA.org), and Chair of Grassroots Citizens Concerned (refer2404.org). Outright Libertarians is a group that bridges the Libertarian Party with the GSM (LGBTQ) community.  Grassroots Citizens Concerned is the political committee that is driving the HB2404 Referendum. […]

2 for 100 – Ending Homelessness in Arizona

I’m incredibly proud to announce an initiative to end homelessness that I know Arizonans will be excited about. But as always, a little background first. One of the comments I see most frequently in debates about government responsibility is: “Why are we spending money to ________, when there are homeless vets we should be supporting?” While I certainly […]

Media Update 3 – 3/12 – 5/2

This time I’m just going to list them without offering comments on each of them.  A few gems, a lot of garbage, and little bit in between. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-hook-up-with-hannah-reilly/id1080505022?mt=2 http://www.thenationalstudent.com/International/2017-03-16/this_us_politician_is_being_remarkably_open_about_his_history_of_group_sex_and_homelessness.html To the Delight of SJWs, Democratic Candidate for Governor Embraces Platform of Sexual “Transparency” http://www.univision.com/arizona/ktvw/noticias/candidatos/como-ejemplo-de-transparencia-candidato-a-gobernador-de-arizona-revela-en-su-web-que-tuvo-sexo-en-grupo-y-con-mujeres-casadas http://www.univision.com/arizona/ktvw/noticias/politica/candidato-a-la-gobernacion-de-arizona-habla-abiertamente-de-su-vida-sexual-video http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/arizona-governor-noah-dyer-sex-life-sexting-porn-videos-statement-campaign-website-democrat-a7639276.html https://www.campaignsandelections.com/campaign-insider/on-the-importance-and-limits-of-authenticity The guys at Now This did a story […]

Braveheart in Arizona

The text below is the transcription of the video above. Background and Apology The speech you are about to listen to has proven to be controversial. After I finished writing it, I was very proud. I thought it was daring. I thought it was captivating. I thought it was truthful. But when I delivered it […]

Contract with Conservatives

Before I get into the actual meat of my contract with conservatives, I want to share that I have quite a long history as a conservative. I have been a registered independent for about a decade. Before that, I was actually registered as a Republican.  My parents were Republican, and raised me with conservative social […]

Media Roundup 2 – 2/22/17 – 3/11/17

It’s been almost a month since launch, and the coverage has continued strong, to say the least! Posts are in roughly chronological order. From CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/22/politics/noah-dyer-secrets-trnd/ My thoughts: Fairly balanced.  Includes personal interview From The Daily Dot: https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/noah-dyer-arizona-governor-does-sex/ My thoughts: Pretty hilarious.  Makes some good points. From Pink News: http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2017/02/23/a-candidate-for-governor-has-revealed-all-the-details-of-his-sex-life-to-avoid-scandal/ My thoughts: Fairly balanced.  The UK […]

State of Silliness: How Drug Policy Crushed a Family

Meet Scott. Scott and I only had a few minutes to chat, but during that short time, he told me a story that illustrated why it’s so important for Arizona to legalize Marijuana. There was a young boy in Scott’s extended family whose mother left when he was just 5. Understandably, the boy was torn […]


Noah’s First Podcast: California vs. Arizona

In my inaugural podcast episode, I reconnect with an old coworker/friend from my days as a professor at the University of Technology. James Justin, a video game programmer who moved to California a couple years ago to take a great job, thinks he might like to return to Arizona some day.  He was a little bit scared when he […]

Started a Zazzle Store for Schwag!

I started getting requests for campaign memorabilia.  We decided to quickly put together a Zazzle store with a couple buttons to get the ball rolling. Check it out at https://www.zazzle.com/noah_dyer_campaign/products! To start, there’s just a couple button designs.  But over time we’ll update with shirts, stickers, and more. The items are being offered at cost in […]